LeadLearnLive is focused on helping students like Jacob, Sarah, and Elijah.
Jacob has a natural talent with sound technology and wants be a broadcast engineer.
Sarah has won multiple awards for drama and wants to be a history teacher.
Elijah is a gifted artist and wants to create video games using his art.
These students and hundreds like them in Oklahoma deserve the chance to achieve their dreams.
High School Graduation, NOW WHAT?
Every year, several hundred students with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (IDD) graduate from Oklahoma high schools. Many of these students are very bright and will have out-performed their peers without disabilities. What does their future hold? For those who want to continue learning and attend college, but who cannot meet traditional admissions standards, there are few choices in Oklahoma which provide the supports necessary for them to be successful. LeadLearnLive partnered with Northeastern State University to begin the RiverHawks Scholar Program at Northeastern State University, the first program of it’s kind in Oklahoma. In addition, LeadLearnLive partnered with Oklahoma State University to begin Opportunity Orange Scholars.
Statistics show impressive success for those students who complete similar programs, illustrating the need for many programs in our state!:
Living Independently:
36% without attending a college program (1)
71% after completing a college program (2)
Paid Employment:
39% without attending a college program (1)
78% after completing a college program (2)
In addition, the Full Time Employment rate for individuals with Asperger's Syndrome or High Functioning Autism is 12%, and 80% live as a dependent with a family member throughout their life (3). LeadLearnLive wants to change these outcomes!
Sources (1) National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (2) Average outcome data provided by ClemsonLIFE at Clemson University, Integrated Studies at University of North Carolina Greensboro and REACH at College of Charleston (3) Asperger's Network Support for Well-being, Education and Research
The statistics speak for themselves. Students with intellectual or developmental disabilities can contribute to our communities and thrive with increased independence and employment.
And you can help today by contributing to our efforts to begin additional programs as well as provide support to build collaboration in our state!
If you don't find answers to your questions, please contact us.
Are all the programs in other states like the program you are planning to begin in Oklahoma?
Programs in other states differ in many ways; some colleges or universities have 2 or 3 year programs even if located on a 4 year campus.
LeadLearnLive has the focus to begin and support programs modeled after programs that have some of the best outcomes in the nation. Think College is a terrific resource for seeing what is available in other states - find them in our "Links" section!
I have heard that most colleges have a support program for students with disabilities?
That is a great question! There are two fully inclusive programs for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities in Oklahoma that LeadLearnLive has provided the start-up funding to begin, which is the RiverHawks Scholar Program at Northeastern State University and Opportunity Orange Scholars at Oklahoma State University. Also, SoonerWorks is located at the University of Oklahoma which is another fully inclusive program. In addition, there is a program at USAO for students with autism for students pursuing a degree and can meet general admission standards, but that does not include students with intellectual disabilities. There may also be support groups or other assistance some colleges provide that is unique to them, but these are limited and not full programs that encompass the types of supports the programs LeadLearnLive is focused on to begin. In addition, colleges may allow a certain number of students to attend that do not meet general admission requirements, however, this is very different from providing a program for these students. We need more options for our students!
Question 3
What other activities is LeadLearnLive involved with to help support the success of inclusive post-secondary programs?
LeadLearnLive has excellent relationships with subject matter experts across the nation and stays current with new developments in the field of inclusive post secondary education. We continually receive counsel from experts across the nation. We also are working with dedicated LEA’s (Local Education Agencies – High Schools that will connect with the program) as well as with Dept. of Rehabilitation Services (Vocational Rehabilitation- which supports with job placement upon completion of the program), representatives from DHS/DDS and others.
Question 4
What criteria has LeadLearnLive considered to determine the best location for the program?
The criteria that parents have shared that is important to them for their kids at a college/university includes:
Safety: The safety of our kids is very important as our population can be more vulnerable than other students. National ranking organizations, such as collegefactual, is a good resource for comparing the safety of universities.
Size of Campus: Typically, a campus size of an undergraduate enrollment of 3,000 or above is ideal as it allows for a broad base of students to pull mentors from, allows for more campus organization choices for students to be involved in and is more representative of the community as a whole when integrating a program for students with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
Affordability: What we have heard from parents is that tuition is a concern. The cost of tuition, fees and room and board we have based our financial model on is consistent with what public state regional universities charge. In addition, the programs LeadLearnLive funds are required to acquire a Comprehensive Transition Program certification which allows students to apply for federal aid.
Components of the program: Parents have been clear about their need for the program to have the 4 pillars of Independent Living, Social Skills, Academics and Career Development that are outlined in this site. There are many programs in the nation, but not many that are truly comprehensive. We have only considered colleges/universities that will follow our best practice model.
Question 5
Are experts involved in LeadLearnLive’s effort, or is this parent led?
Although we are parents of kids with disabilities, we recognize it takes more than being a parent to begin successful programs in our state. We have built relationships both in the state as well as in the nation since 2012 when we began this effort. Those relationships include state agency representatives as well as great relationships with those in the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and those in state legislature. In addition, we felt we needed nationally recognized experts directly involved with Lead Learn Live, therefore we have a deep relationship with subject matter experts across the nation.
Question 6
How can I prepare my son or daughter to be ready for college?
We hear this question often. We suggest you encourage your son or daughter be involved in as many and varied activities as possible. Support and develop special interests and encourage involvement in the community. Experience in a part time job, volunteering, going to camp or other short trips without parent involvement are all great contributors to preparation for going away to college. In addition, take your son or daughter to visit college campuses, take the tours and talk about it with them. College should be and will be a choice for our kids in Oklahoma, let’s help them be prepared! Visit OKIPSE Alliance for more information related to preparation.
Amazing resources for everyone interested in PSE opportunities for our kids
An incredible resource for Oklahoma families that promotes a system of wide ranging services for Oklahoma children and youth with special needs. We are thankful that Sooner Success is a champion for LeadLearnLive!